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The following behaviors result:. The following sections provide examples of launching instances from AMIs using non-default encryption parameters. In each of these scenarios, parameters supplied to the RunInstances action result in a change of encryption state during restoration of a volume from a snapshot.

The Encrypted parameter alone results in the volume for this instance being encrypted. Providing a KmsKeyId parameter is optional. If you own the AMI and supply no encryption parameters, the resulting instance has a volume encrypted by the same key as the snapshot. If the AMI is shared rather than owned by you, and you supply no encryption parameters, the volume is encrypted by your default CMK.

Change Encryption State of Multiple Volumes during Launch In this more complex example, an AMI backed by multiple snapshots each with its own encryption state is used to launch an EC2 instance with a newly encrypted volume and a re-encrypted volume.

In this scenario, the RunInstances action is supplied with encryption parameters for each of the source snapshots. By default, without explicit encryption parameters, a CopyImage action maintains the existing encryption state of an AMI's source snapshots during copy.

You can also copy an AMI and simultaneously apply a new encryption state to its associated EBS snapshots by supplying encryption parameters. All of these default behaviors can be overridden by supplying encryption parameters.

The following section provides an example of copying an AMI using non-default encryption parameters, resulting in a change of encryption state. You incur storage costs for the snapshots in both AMIs, as well as charges for any instances you launch from either AMI.

Note Enabling encryption by default p. Setting the Encrypted parameter encrypts the single snapshot for this instance. You can copy AMIs with encrypted snapshots and also change encryption status during the copy process. In the case of an Amazon EBS-backed AMI, each of its backing snapshots is, by default, copied to an identical but distinct target snapshot.

The sole exceptions are when you choose to encrypt or re-encrypt the snapshot. The reverse is also true. There are no charges for copying an AMI. However, standard storage and data transfer rates apply. You can't copy an AMI that was obtained from the AWS Marketplace, regardless of whether you obtained it directly or it was shared with you. All instance store-backed AMIs that you copy to that Region are stored in this bucket. The bucket names have the following format: amis-for-account-in-region-hash.

For example: amis-forin-us-eastyhjmxvp6. Otherwise, instances launched from the new AMI in the destination Region may still use the resources from the source Region, which can impact performance and cost. The owning account is charged for the storage in the Region. If the shared AMI has encrypted snapshots, the owner must share the key or keys with you as well.

Encryption and Copying The following table shows encryption support for various AMI-copying scenarios. While it is possible to copy an unencrypted snapshot to yield an encrypted snapshot, you cannot copy an encrypted snapshot to yield an unencrypted one.

Scenario Description Supported. Because an instance store-backed AMI does not rely on snapshots, you cannot use copying to change its encryption status. By default i. Copying an AMI backed by an unencrypted snapshot results in an identical target snapshot that is also unencrypted. If the source AMI is backed by an encrypted snapshot, copying it results in an identical target snapshot that is encrypted by the same customer master key.

Copying an AMI backed by multiple snapshots preserves, by default, the source encryption status in each target snapshot. If you specify encryption parameters while copying an AMI, you can encrypt or re-encrypt its backing snapshots. The following example shows a non-default case that supplies encryption parameters to the CopyImage action in order to change the target AMI's encryption state.

From the console navigation bar, select the Region that contains the AMI. You can include operating system information in the name, as we do not provide this information when displaying details about the AMI. You can change this description as needed. If you have enabled encryption by default, the Encryption option is set and cannot be unset from the AMI console.

To check on the progress of the copy operation immediately, follow the provided link. To check on the progress later, choose Done, and then when you are ready, use the navigation bar to switch to the target region if applicable and locate your AMI in the list of AMIs.

The initial status of the target AMI is pending and the operation is complete when the status is available. You can copy an AMI using the copy-image command. You must specify both the source and destination Regions. You specify the source Region using the --source-region parameter. You can specify the destination Region using either the --region parameter or an environment variable.

When you encrypt a target snapshot during copying, you must specify these additional parameters: -- encrypted and --kms-key-id. You specify the source Region using the -SourceRegion parameter. When you encrypt a target snapshot during copying, you must specify these additional parameters: - Encrypted and -KmsKeyId. From the navigation bar, select the destination Region from the Region selector. After you deregister an AMI, you can't use it to launch new instances. You'll continue to incur usage costs for these instances and storage costs for the snapshot.

Choose Actions, and then Deregister. Note It can take a few minutes before the console removes the AMI from the list. Choose Refresh to refresh the status. Choose Actions, and then choose Delete Snapshot. Select the instance, choose Actions, then Instance State, and then Terminate. However, there are customizations. Updating Your Windows Instance After you launch a Windows instance, you are responsible for installing updates on it.

Note Instances should be stateless when updating. You can reboot a Windows instance after installing updates. For more information, see Reboot Your Instance p. In the navigation bar, change the region to US East N. Virginia , if necessary. In the navigation pane, choose Subscriptions. Choose Create subscription.

For the Create subscription dialog box, do the following:. For Protocol, choose Email. Run Windows maintenance tools Windows Server R2 and later. Install PowerShell 2. For each of these images, AWS:. We release images shortly after the monthly Microsoft patches are made available. Other than the adjustments listed above, we keep our AMIs as close as possible to the default install. If we see a particular AMI is launched only a few times in its entire lifespan, we will remove it in favor of more widely used options.

To remove this warning, see "Some settings are managed by your organization". You may not be permitted to view it. For more information, see the following examples:. NET Core 2. Engagement with Intel concerning these issues ongoing. Will be reenabled when patch available. Update will be re-enabled when new patch is available. P3 AMIs will no longer be updated after this release and will be removed as part of our regular cycle.

New AMIs can be found with the following date versions:. Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows Server Datacenter and Standard Editions for Nano Server installation options as of April 10, see the Microsoft Support Lifecycle page for more details. For more information, see Issue with the Hibernate Agent Windows Server R2 through Windows Server Not supported on Amazon Linux.

For more information, see Privilege not held error on the Microsoft site. All February patches and security updates will be included in the March update. New AMIs are dated AMIs were re-patched. Additional processes were put in place to verify successful patch installations going forward.

NET Framework to. The default value is Windows Server AMIs use For more information, read the following section. Issue with the Hibernate Agent To mitigate the issue, you can use one of the following procedures to add the missing quotation marks. If the agent is running, you must also restart the agent. Alternatively, you can terminate any instances that you launched from a On your Windows instance, open Windows Powershell. On your Windows instance, open a Command Prompt window.

They are billed using standard Windows pricing. The following lists and tables show the STIGs that have not been applied to each Operating System, by category, unless otherwise indicated. All other applicable STIGs have been applied. All other applicable STIG settings have been applied. You can then create new Amazon EC2 instances for Windows from this standardized image.

Important Don't use Sysprep to create an instance backup. Optionally, you can execute commands in this phase. You do not need to change this value if you are running Sysprep from the EC2 Service Properties dialog box. The default value is No. Change the value to No if new instances should not be set to a random encrypted password.

The default value is Yes. The system executes BeforeSysprep. This command creates a registry key as follows:. The registry key disables RDP connections until they are re-enabled. If the instance is a member of a domain, it is removed from the domain. The sysprep The system either launches a new instance or starts the original instance.

This setting retains the built-in Administrator account so that any customizations you made to that account are carried over to the new image.

The default value is True. This security measure is designed to prevent the instance from being accessible after Sysprep completes if you did not enable the ec2setpassword setting. OOBE Phase 1. The system executes the PostSysprep. If the password expired, Administrators might not be able to log on.

Windows sysprep configuration complete. In the Amazon EC2 console locate or create p. Launch and connect to your Windows instance. Customize it. Choose the Image tab in the Ec2 Service Properties dialog box. For more information about the options and settings in the Ec2 Service Properties dialog box, see Ec2 Service Properties p. Select an option for the Administrator password, and then select Shutdown with Sysprep or Shutdown without Sysprep.

When Sysprep runs next, it sets the Administrator password. If you shut down now, the password is set immediately. When the service starts again, the Administrator password is removed.

It's important to remember this password, as you can't retrieve it later. Choose OK. At this point, it's safe to create an AMI from this instance. Troubleshooting Sysprep If you experience problems or receive error messages during image preparations, review the following logs:.

If you receive an error message during image preparation with Sysprep, the OS might not be reachable. Option 1: Use Regedit on the instance to search for the following key. Run Sysprep again. For more information, see Instance Types p. What purchasing option best meets my needs? For more information, see Instance Purchasing Options p.

Instance Types When you launch an instance, the instance type that you specify determines the hardware of the host computer used for your instance. Select an instance type based on the requirements of the application or software that you plan to run on your instance. Amazon EC2 provides each instance with a consistent and predictable amount of CPU capacity, regardless of its underlying hardware.

Amazon EC2 dedicates some resources of the host computer, such as CPU, memory, and instance storage, to a particular instance. Amazon EC2 shares other resources of the host computer, such as the network and the disk subsystem, among instances. If each instance on a host computer tries to use as much of one of these shared resources as possible, each receives an equal share of that resource.

However, when a resource is underused, an instance can consume a higher share of that resource while it's available. Each instance type provides higher or lower minimum performance from a shared resource. Current Generation Instances For the best performance, we recommend that you use the current generation instance types when you launch new instances.

General purpose m4. Compute optimized c4. Memory optimized r4. Storage optimized d2. Accelerated computing f1. We encourage you to use the latest generation of instances to get the best performance, but we continue to support these previous generation instances.

If you are currently using a previous generation instance, you can see which current generation instance would be a suitable upgrade. For more information, see Previous Generation Instances. General purpose m1. Compute optimized c1. Memory optimized m2. Storage optimized hs1.

To determine which instance type best meets your needs, we recommend that you launch an instance and use your own benchmark application. Because you pay by the instance hour, it's convenient and inexpensive to test multiple instance types before making a decision.

If your needs change, even after you make a decision, you can resize your instance later. However, confusion may result from industry naming conventions for bit CPUs. Consequently, the architecture is widely referred to as AMD64 regardless of the chip manufacturer. Windows and several Linux distributions follow this practice. Nitro-based Instances The Nitro system is a collection of AWS-built hardware and software components that enable high performance, high availability, and high security.

In addition, the Nitro system provides bare metal capabilities that eliminate virtualization overhead and support workloads that require full access to host hardware. Networking and Storage Features When you select an instance type, this determines the networking and storage features that are available. For more information, see Placement Groups p. For more information, see Enhanced Networking on Windows p.

All current generation instances support MTU, or jumbo frames, and some previous generation instances support them as well. Some instance types support NVMe instance store volumes. Some instance types are EBS—optimized by default. Summary of Networking and Storage Features The following table summarizes the networking and storage features supported by current generation instance types. M4 Yes No No Yes m4. All other sizes: Intel VF.

P3 p3dn. All other sizes: All other sizes: Yes No. The following table summarizes the networking and storage features supported by previous generation instance types. Instance store Placement group Enhanced networking. Instance Limits There is a limit on the total number of instances that you can launch in a region, and there are additional limits on some instance types. For more information about viewing your current limits or requesting an increase in your current limits, see Amazon EC2 Service Limits p.

General Purpose Instances General purpose instances provide a balance of compute, memory, and networking resources, and can be used for a variety of workloads. M5 instances are well-suited for the following applications:. These instances are well suited for the following:. These instances provide a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst to a higher level when required by your workload.

An Unlimited instance can sustain high CPU performance for any period of time whenever required. For more information, see Burstable Performance Instances p. These instances are well-suited for the following applications:. Some general purpose instances are EBS-optimized by default at no additional cost. Network Performance You can enable enhanced networking capabilities on supported instance types.

Instance types that use the Elastic Network Adapter ENA for enhanced networking deliver high packet per second performance with consistently low latencies. These instances accrue credits when their network bandwidth is below their baseline limits, and can use these credits when they perform network data transfers. The following is a summary of network performance for general purpose instances that support enhanced networking. Instance type Network performance Enhanced networking. Otherwise, you get lower IOPS performance.

This decrease in performance is even larger if the write operations are not in multiples of 4, bytes or not aligned to a 4,byte boundary. If you write a smaller amount of bytes or bytes that are not aligned, the SSD controller must read the surrounding data and store the result in a new location.

This is called over-provisioning. The SSD-based instance store volumes provided to an instance don't have any space reserved for over-provisioning. This decreases the storage that you can use, but increases performance even if the disk is close to full capacity.

This provides the controller with more. They have high-memory, and require a bit operating system to take advantage of that capacity. Every instance has at least one network interface attachment.

For example, if you have no additional network interface attachments on an EBS-only instance, you could attach 27 EBS volumes to that instance. This means that it can take 20 minutes from the time the instance enters the running state until it becomes available over the network. Burstable Performance Instances Burstable performance instances, which are T3, T3a, and T2 instances, are designed to provide a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst to a higher level when required by your workload.

Burstable performance instances are well suited for a wide range of general-purpose applications. Examples include microservices, low-latency interactive applications, small and medium databases, virtual desktops, development, build, and stage environments, code repositories, and product prototypes.

Burstable performance instances are the only instance types that use credits for CPU usage. If your account is less than 12 months old, you can use a t2. Burstable Performance Instance Requirements The following are the requirements for these instances:. They are also not supported on a Dedicated Host. As the memory and CPU requirements of your workload grow over time, you can scale to larger instance sizes of the same instance type, or another instance type.

For more information, see Release Notes p. The baseline performance and ability to burst are governed by CPU credits. Earning CPU Credits Each burstable performance instance continuously earns at a millisecond-level resolution a set rate of CPU credits per hour, depending on the instance size.

The accounting process for whether credits are accrued or spent also happens at a millisecond-level resolution, so you don't have to worry about overspending CPU credits; a short burst of CPU uses a small fraction of a CPU credit.

If a burstable performance instance uses fewer CPU resources than is required for baseline performance such as when it is idle , the unspent CPU credits are accrued in the CPU credit balance. If a burstable performance instance needs to burst above the baseline performance level, it spends the accrued credits.

The more credits that a burstable performance instance has accrued, the more time it can burst beyond its baseline when more performance is needed.

The following table lists the burstable performance instance types, the rate at which CPU credits are earned per hour, the maximum number of earned CPU credits that an instance can accrue, the number of vCPUs per instance, and the baseline performance level as a percentage of a full core performance using a single vCPU.

For example, a t3. Therefore, the CPU utilization for a t3. The number of CPU credits earned per hour is determined by the instance size. The preceding table lists the credit earn rate for all instances. While earned credits never expire on a running instance, there is a limit to the number of earned credits that an instance can accrue. The limit is determined by the CPU credit balance limit.

After the limit is reached, any new credits that are earned are discarded, as indicated by the following image. The full bucket indicates the CPU credit balance limit, and the spillover indicates the newly earned credits that exceed the limit. The preceding table lists the maximum number of earned credits that each instance can accrue.

Note T2 Standard instances also earn launch credits. Launch credits do not count towards the CPU credit balance limit. If a T2 instance has not spent its launch credits, and remains idle over a hour period while accruing earned credits, its CPU credit balance appears as over the limit. For more information, see Launch Credits p. T3 and T3a instances do not earn launch credits.

These instances launch as unlimited by default, and therefore can burst immediately upon start without any launch credits. For T3 and T3a, the CPU credit balance persists for seven days after an instance stops and the credits are lost thereafter. If you start the instance within seven days, no credits are lost. For T2, the CPU credit balance does not persist between instance stops and starts.

If you stop a T2 instance, the instance loses all its accrued credits. The number of credits that an instance earns per hour can be expressed as a percentage of CPU utilization. It is known as the baseline performance, and sometimes just as the baseline.

The hourly instance price automatically covers all CPU usage spikes if the average CPU utilization of the instance is at or below the baseline over a rolling hour period or the instance lifetime, whichever is shorter.

For information about instance. Important If you use a t2. It can be enabled or disabled at any time for a running or stopped instance. Note T3 and T3a instances are launched as unlimited by default.

T2 instances are launched as standard by default. When its CPU utilization falls below the baseline, it uses the CPU credits that it earns to pay down the surplus credits that it spent earlier. The following graph shows the CPU usage of a t3.

The baseline CPU utilization for a t3. For more information about the baseline performance per vCPU for each instance type and how many credits each instance type earns, see the credit table p. The breakeven CPU usage for a burstable performance instance is the point at which a burstable. The breakeven CPU usage helps you determine the following:. The following graph shows the breakeven CPU usage point where a t3. The breakeven CPU usage point for a t3.

If the average CPU usage is at If the workload needs less than The columns in the table are labeled A through K. At the baseline, the hourly cost of the instance covers the cost of the CPU usage. Anything above this, and the t3.

If the average CPU utilization of an instance is at or below the baseline, the instance incurs no additional charges. Because an instance earns a maximum number of credits p.

However, if CPU utilization stays above the baseline, the instance cannot earn enough credits to pay down the surplus credits that it has spent. Spent surplus credits above the maximum are charged at the end of the hour. T2 Standard instances receive launch credits p. A T2 Unlimited instance can burst beyond the baseline at any time with no additional charge, as long as its average CPU utilization is at or below the baseline over a rolling hour window or its lifetime, whichever is shorter.

As such, T2 Unlimited instances do not require launch credits to achieve high performance immediately after launch. Note T3 and T3a instances never receive launch credits. T3 and T3a instances launch as unlimited by default. T2 instances launch as standard by default, but you can enable unlimited at launch. You can switch from unlimited to standard, and from standard to unlimited, at any time on a running or stopped instance.

In this example, you see the CPU utilization of a t3. Because a t3. The intent of the example, illustrated by the following graph, is to show how an instance can burst using surplus credits even after it depletes its CPUCreditBalance. P1 — At 0 hours on the graph, the instance is launched as unlimited and immediately begins to earn credits.

All unspent credits are accrued in the credit balance. P2 — For the next 12 hours, CPU utilization is at 2. The instance earns more credits than it spends, but the CPUCreditBalance value cannot exceed its maximum of credits. P4 — For the next 12 hours, CPU utilization decreases to 2. In the same time, the instance earns 72 credits.

The instance earns more credits than it spends, and the CPUCreditBalance value increases to credits. In this example, you see the CPU utilization of a t2. Because a t2. You can assume that, at the start of the time line in the graph, the instance has an accrued credit balance equal to the maximum number of credits it can earn in 24 hours.

This is equal to the maximum a t2. Any surplus. At this time, CPU utilization falls below the baseline, and the instance starts to earn credits at 3 credits per hour or 0. The instance spent approximately 25 surplus credits between and , which is equivalent to 0. Additional charges for this instance are 0. To burst above the baseline, the instance spends credits that it has accrued in its CPU credit balance.

If the instance is. For T2 Standard, when the instance is stopped, it loses all its accrued credits, and its credit balance is reset to zero. When it is restarted, it receives a new set of launch credits, and begins to accrue earned credits.

For T3 and T3a Standard, the CPU credit balance persists for seven days after the instance stops and the credits are lost thereafter. When a T2 Standard instance is in a running state, it continuously earns at a millisecond-level resolution a set rate of earned credits per hour. T2 Standard instances get 30 launch credits per vCPU at launch or start. For example, a t2. Launch credits are designed to provide a good startup experience to allow instances to burst immediately after launch before they have accrued earned credits.

However, after the instance spends the 30 launch credits, the credit balance cannot exceed For more information about the CPU credit balance limit for each instance size, see the credit table p. Instance type Launch credits vCPUs. There is a limit to the number of times T2 Standard instances can receive launch credits. The default limit is launches or starts of all T2 Standard instances combined per account, per Region, per rolling hour period. For example, the limit is reached when one instance is stopped and started times within a hour period, or when instances are launched within a hour period, or other combinations that equate to starts.

New accounts may have a lower limit, which increases over time based on your usage. Tip To ensure that your workloads always get the performance they need, switch to Unlimited Mode for Burstable Performance Instances p. For more information unlimited to standard, it does not get about the number of CPU credits launch credits at the time of switching. Credit earn The limit for receiving launch credits is A T2 instance cannot accrue more credits limit launches or starts of all T2 Standard than the CPU credit balance limit.

If the instances combined per account, per CPU credit balance has reached its limit, Region, per rolling hour period. New any credits that are earned after the limit accounts may have a lower limit, which is reached are discarded.

Launch credits increases over time based on your usage. For more information about the CPU credit balance limit for each T2 instance size, see the credit table p. Credit When a T2 Standard instance is running, When a T2 instance is running, earned expiration launch credits do not expire. When a T2 credits that have accrued do not expire.

Standard instance stops or is switched to When the T2 instance stops, all accrued T2 Unlimited, all launch credits are lost. In this example, you see how a t3.

A running t3. Its credit balance limit is earned credits. After the limit is reached, new credits that are earned are discarded. For more information about the number of credits that can be earned and accrued, see the credit table p.

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